Every blog needs introductions right? You have to know who you're reading about, and why, but don't worry, I'll make it short and sweet:

My name is Sarah Stasio, and I'm just starting out in my thirties, originally from the beautiful Midwestern town of Kansas City, Missouri. I went to college at the University of Mississippi (#OleMiss), where I met my quite amazing husband, Nick Stasio, who is a Houston, Texas native.

We now both live in Houston, where Nick is a brewer for Karbach Brewing, and I'm an paralegal for a boutique law firm specializing in estate planning and probate, along with our pitbull, Lock (aka Monster, or LockDog), but this blog is all about updating/remodeling our first home, which is a 1977 home in need of some lovin.

While I might be the brains behind the updating and some of the DIY ideas, the mastermind behind the majority of our remodeling is Nick's dad, Vinny, who is an architect by trade. However, the amazing part is that I'm here to document his advice, and our progress through this whole process of remodeling, for all of you out here in Internetland.
... Plus, he's kinda of an amazing human being in general, and should be documented.
Thus, how Me and Vinny was created.
I always want to be transparent with my readers. Always. So this blog is meant to help people feel a little more confident in trying DIY home renovations, but just because Vinny is an architect, does not mean we are suggesting that our word will fit your home renovation situation. You should always consult a professional. This is for entertainment, and should not ever be considered professional advice. Furthermore, this blog is 100% my own personal opinion, and is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but I am human after all, so errors do happen, but this does not reflect upon any organization.
Everyone needs a
Disclaimer, and so here is mine:
I always want to be transparent with my readers. Always. So this blog is meant to help people feel a little more confident in trying DIY home renovations, but just because Vinny is an architect, does not mean we are suggesting that our word will fit your home renovation situation. You should always consult a professional. This is for entertainment, and should not ever be considered professional advice. Furthermore, this blog is 100% my own personal opinion, and is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but I am human after all, so errors do happen, but this does not reflect upon any organization.
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Privacy Policy. This privacy policy
is subject to change without notice, but in case you were curious, it was last
updated on October 15, 2018. If you have any questions, or suggestions,
regarding my Privacy Policy, please contact me at sjmitchell@hotmail.com.